Phase Two Bonus Materials:

 Day 8: The Brain Changing Effects of Exercise

Check out this Ted Talk by Wendy Suzuki examining why it’s so important to move your body on a daily basis. During the talk, she discusses how the brain is positively effected by exercise. Hopefully she will convince you why it’s so important to put down your phone and move around! (Length 13 minutes)

Day 9: How Sugar Effects the Brain

Check out this Ted Ed that discusses the hidden effects of sugar on your brain’s functioning. Be warned, you probably won’t like what you hear. (Length 5 minutes)

Day 10: Why do we Sleep?

Check out this Ted Talk by Russel Foster identifying the multitude of reasons why sleep is so important to a well functioning brain and well-lived life. (Length 21 minutes 46 seconds)

#2) Ted Talk: One More Reason to Get a Good Nights Sleep

Check out this Ted Talk by Jeff Liff as he gives an in depth look into the connection between the mind and body. Examining sleep as the necessary tool that holds them both together. (Length 11 minutes 41 seconds)

#3) Ted Ed: Sleep to Remember

Check out this short and easy to understand tutorial about how sleep can help you retain information and improve your memory.

Day 11: Addicted to thoughts

This short video with a narrative by Alan Watts will give you some insight into how we become obsessed with our own thoughts. Showing how that obsession leads to more worrying and eventually anxiety, clearly highlighting how easy it is to get addicted to thought. (Length 3 minutes 45 seconds)

#2) Ted Talk: Getting Stuck in the Negatives (and how to get unstuck)

Check out this Ted Talk by social psychologist Allison Ledgerwood about the brains engrained propensity to go to the worse case scenario and how that effects our daily lives. (Length 10 minutes)

Day 12: Everything You Think You Know About Addiction Is Wrong

Check out this Ted Talk by Johann Hari that will alter how you see addiction from here on out. Johann has incredible insight into the root causes of addiction and will change how you see the problem entirely. (Length 14 minutes 30 seconds)

#2) Ted Talk: The Power of Addiction

This powerful Ted Talk by Gabor Mate, a doctor and addictions therapist, gives an inside look into why some people become addicted and others don’t. (Length 18 minutes 45 seconds)

#3)Chemistry of Addiction

This short video about the neurotransmitters involved in addiction is extremely informative about how the brain becomes addicted to substances and behaviors. (Length 11 minutes 34 seconds)

#4)Root Cause of addiction

It’s worth a few minutes of your time to watch this short video about the root causes of addiction and why our current understanding of addiction isn’t working. (Length 3 minutes)

Day 13: Nature is Everywhere

Check out this Ted Talk by Emma Harris about the wonderful power of nature to change lives and change how you see the world. (Length 15 minutes 53 seconds)

Day 14: Addiction and Trust

Check out this Ted Talk by Marc Lewis about the profound impacts repetition can have on the brain. In short, Marc talks about how addiction is just a brain functioning as it normally does. Showing how we are all susceptible to addictive qualities.(Length 9 minutes 54 seconds)

#2) Ted Talk: The most important lesson I learned after 83,000 brain scans

Check out this Ted Talk by Dr. Amen where he discusses his career at a neuroscientist looking at thousands of different brains through SPECT scans that tell us a lot about what a brain is going through. (Length 14 minutes 45 seconds)

#3) Alan Watts: Playing the Game of Life

Watch this short video with a voice narrative from Alan Watts looking at this crazy thing we call life and how often times we go about it in all the wrong ways. (Length 6 minutes 16 seconds)